Monday, October 29, 2012

Terbentuknya B3STI3S

B3STI3S adalah nama persahabatan antara 4 remaja yg sudah lama berteman dan bersahabatan...
mereka saling menyayangi dan saling mendukung satu sama lain.. mereka mungkin pernah berantem karena hal kecil dan saling marahan , tetapi itu justru membuat persahabatan mereka tambah kuat .. mereka saling meminta maaf kepada satu sama lain walaupun mereka tak bersalah.. mereka semua adalah remaja yang sedang mencari jati dirinya masing- masing. mereka berasal dari negara indonesia.. tetapi mereka bertemu di luar negeri yaitu QATAR . mereka tinggal di QATAR bersama orangtua mereka . mereka bertemu di TPA tempat ngaji..walaupun awalnya mereka sering berantem dan marahan.. tetpi mereka pun akhirnya bersahabatan.walaupun mereka saling sibuk mengurusi sekolah mereka , mereka tak pernah lupa untuk bersilaturahmi kepada sesama.mereka dekat sekali satu sama lain..persahabatan mereka terbentuk karena cinta  dan kasih sayang mereka kepada satu sama lain yang sangat tulus .dimanapun dan kapanpun, mereka selalu bercanda . canda dan tawa selalu menjadi cirihas mereka.. muka mereka selalu ceria dan tak pernah sedih ketika bersama.. walaupun di TPA tempat ngaji mereka harus berjuang bersama di tes agar ada yang bisa menjadi juara, mereka tak pernah marahan karena semuanya ingin menjadi juara . mereka justru mendukung satu sama lain..B3STI3S pun terbentuk pada tanggal 27 july 2012 dan semoga persahabatan mereka langgeng dan selalu menjadi juara ...

they love each other and support each other .. they may have a fight because it is small and mutual anger, but that just makes them more powerful friendship .. they were apologizing to each other even though they are not guilty .. they are all teenagers who are searching for their identity. they come from Indonesia country .. but they met abroad is QATAR. they live with their parents in QATAR. they met in QATAR .. although initially they often fight and anger .. but they were ultimately friendship. even though they were busy with their school, they never forget to stay in touch with others. they are very close to each other .. their friendship formed because of their love and affection for each other was genuine. wherever and whenever, they are always joking. jokes and laughter has always been a personality for their own .. their faces are always cheerful and never sad when together .. although they had fought together in the test so that anyone can be a champion, they never anger because everyone wants to win. they actually support each other .. B3STI3S was formed on the 27th of july 2012 and may their friendship last and always a champion ...